GMP/HACCP for Winery

Canadian (BC) Wineries

Since March 2016, the province of British Columbia requires that food processors and wineries develop and maintain a written food safety plan and sanitation plan. These documents form part of the winery’s food safety management programs (see GMP and HACCP programs for more information).

At the federal level, the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) came into effect January 2019. Under the new Canadian SFCA regulations, food companies including wineries must maintain a product traceability program. They must be able to track the movement of a food or a food ingredient, one-step back (to the immediate supplier) and one-step forward (to the customer). Wineries that sell directly to the consumer do not need to trace wine one-step forward.  To find out more about traceability requirements, please click here. In addition, refer to the Canadian Vintners Association’s webpage for additional information regarding the SFCR.

In addition, wineries that import wine ingredients must have an import license and PCP plan under SFCR. Selling de-alcoholised wine in Canada also requires a manufacturing license and PCP plan under the Canadian food safety regulations. Refer to our blog for more information.

For wineries interested in HACCP certification, we provide both templated and custom solutions. Our HACCP templates are professionally written to satisfy the requirements of well-known certification bodies offering GMP and HACCP certification audits in the United States and Canada. If you require a tailored solution, we provide the following services (internal audits, procedure and food safety plan review, HACCP plan and custom SOP development services).


employee checking levels on machines

US (Pacific Coast) Wineries

On September 10, 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration published the Final Rule for Preventive Controls for Human Food as part of the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The act was signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011.  Regulations under FSMA are intended to prevent food safety risks and ensure a safe food supply.

Under the 21 CFR Part 117 requirements, US wineries must ensure that good wine practices are implemented and documented. In addition, wineries are also required to meet employee training and education requirements. Wineries may be eligible for exemptions. Click here for more information.

Sirocco can help you develop your winery’s food safety documentation to meet regulatory requirements. Contact us to request a quote.

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