We successfully passed our initial HACCP certification audit, without a single finding! While this seemed quite surprising, I then realized that this was due to the thorough gap assessment provided by Sean Xia at Sirocco Consulting, along with additional documentation support.
Sean inspected our facility and dug through all of our systems and records in such detail as to be able to expose all of our issues. We were then provided with our initial HACCP plan and a set of GMP documentation that we were able to edit and integrate with our existing documentation. But these documents were not just provided to us, they were each individually reviewed in a handover that provided further insights. And Sean also made himself available for future questions – such amazing support!
As we proceeded to work through implementation of the new GMP’s and to address all items in the gap assessment, I felt quite confident – albeit a bit trepidatious – about the pending audit. However, on the audit date, things went so much more smoothly than I ever could have imagined.
Thank you, Sirocco!