SQFI Program is globally recognized as a food safety certification program that covers the food supply chain from primary production to foodservice.
For SQF Code Edition 9.0, there have been significant changes to GMP module sections and elements, more focus on prevention of cross-contamination, requirements for maintaining air hygiene in high-risk zones such as RTE production areas or exposed product handling areas, requirements for building and equipment to be cleaned based on risk assessments, greater accountability for non-conforming equipment, and foreign material contamination prevention.
SQFI has updated Edition 9.0 with the following amendments effective Oct 04, 2021.
Code Amendment #1
SQF Food Manufacturing Edition 9 – Amendment Updates: a medical screening procedure shall be in place for all employees, visitors and contractors who handle exposed product or food contact surfaces.
Code Amendment #2
SQF Food Manufacturing Edition 9 – Amendment Updates: approved supplier registers shall include supplier contact details. All approved and emergency suppliers shall be registered.
Code Amendment # 3
SQF Food Manufacturing Edition 9 – Amendment Updates: sub-sites within an SQF multi-site program can only operate in one or more of these food sector categories – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 26.

Code Amendment # 4
SQF Food Manufacturing Edition 9 – Amendment Updates: this amendment applies to the person(s) applying chemicals as well as the person making decisions on chemical application.
By Guest Author: Varinder Randhawa